A water nymph I am not.
I thought my swimming had progressed to the point of using goggles; I was wrong. For some reason looking down at the bottom of the pool sent me into a panic. I thought for a minute the lifeguards were going to have to use that big hook to drag me out. I managed to make it back to the end of the pool where I promptly took the goggles off. I've been convinced for quite a while that I drowned in a past life. Yesterday was further proof that there may be something to this theory of mine.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
What are your feelings about fate?
Last night I was watching the movie "Serendipity" on TV. This movie is longtime favorite of mine, I saw it in the theater when it first came out, and is representative of my romanticized view of fate that I held in my early to mid 20's. After watching the movie last night I've been trying to decide how, now in my early 30's, I feel about fate/destiny/serendipity.
I believe that everything happens for a reason and so therefore I guess I still believe in fate. For the most part I think I've let go of the idea of a romanticized fairy tale ending for everyone...although I doubt the Hopeless (haha) romantic in me will ever let that go totally. I think the movie "Sliding Doors" is probably more representative of my current views. That movie shows the parallel paths the main character's life would take if she got on the subway and if she had not gotten on. The end result is basically that she ends up with the same (nice) guy either way. I think that is my view of fate. That there are certain things that will happen or people we will meet and the road to them is determined by the free will decisions that we make.
I'm interested in others' views on topic if anyone would like to share...
Last night I was watching the movie "Serendipity" on TV. This movie is longtime favorite of mine, I saw it in the theater when it first came out, and is representative of my romanticized view of fate that I held in my early to mid 20's. After watching the movie last night I've been trying to decide how, now in my early 30's, I feel about fate/destiny/serendipity.
I believe that everything happens for a reason and so therefore I guess I still believe in fate. For the most part I think I've let go of the idea of a romanticized fairy tale ending for everyone...although I doubt the Hopeless (haha) romantic in me will ever let that go totally. I think the movie "Sliding Doors" is probably more representative of my current views. That movie shows the parallel paths the main character's life would take if she got on the subway and if she had not gotten on. The end result is basically that she ends up with the same (nice) guy either way. I think that is my view of fate. That there are certain things that will happen or people we will meet and the road to them is determined by the free will decisions that we make.
I'm interested in others' views on topic if anyone would like to share...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Figured it out!
Need Chip working on my car.
I am very grateful for the work that Chip the mechanic has done and is going to do on my car. But it has just occurred to me that I need a different Chip to work on my car...CHIP FOOSE!!! My car could use an overhaul from top to bottom and since I love my car this would allow me to keep it. I like to watch Overhaulin' and would love to join the Overhaulin' family (hint, hint, hint). I think Foose is a Ford man and my car is Mercury which is basically the same thing. This is brilliant, just need to figure out how to get to California to be on the show!?!
I am very grateful for the work that Chip the mechanic has done and is going to do on my car. But it has just occurred to me that I need a different Chip to work on my car...CHIP FOOSE!!! My car could use an overhaul from top to bottom and since I love my car this would allow me to keep it. I like to watch Overhaulin' and would love to join the Overhaulin' family (hint, hint, hint). I think Foose is a Ford man and my car is Mercury which is basically the same thing. This is brilliant, just need to figure out how to get to California to be on the show!?!

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sunday afternoon; where'd the weekend go?
Well, I know that half of my weekend went to New Hampshire and I'm glad it did. I finally got to see my friends' beautiful home that I've put off visiting for too long. I also got to see some friends that I hadn't seen in a few years - and yes, Meema & Peepa I will get out west someday, these things take time...look how long it took me just to get to Alstead?!? I had a pleasant afternoon at the picnic and finally saw my brother's new garage that he's been spending his weekends laboring on. He came back with me last night so I didn't have to make the drive home alone. My sister in law had to go to UMass today anyway, so he does have a ride home!
I've been feeling bummed out today about what to do about my car, actually to the point of tears, because I really like my car. I took Jak for a walk and cleared my head which allowed me to come up with a short term plan and long term plan that I feel comfortable with.
I guess I'll go watch the race. In our house watching the race requires taking a nap and I'm ready for one today. Besides, who wants to stay awake and probably have to watch Kyle Busch win again.
I've been feeling bummed out today about what to do about my car, actually to the point of tears, because I really like my car. I took Jak for a walk and cleared my head which allowed me to come up with a short term plan and long term plan that I feel comfortable with.
I guess I'll go watch the race. In our house watching the race requires taking a nap and I'm ready for one today. Besides, who wants to stay awake and probably have to watch Kyle Busch win again.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saturday Road Trip
Walked Jak; leaving for NH soon.
I'm off to NH for the day. First to a picnic in Alstead and then to my brother's in Candia.
Stay cool, wherever you are, it's going to be another hot July day out there!
I'm off to NH for the day. First to a picnic in Alstead and then to my brother's in Candia.
Stay cool, wherever you are, it's going to be another hot July day out there!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday Tri Training
Biked four miles, jogged one mile.
Something I figured out quick about using the virtual bike at the Y versus riding a real bike: on the virtual bike you pedal the whole time, no coasting. As far as jogging, I think the mile took me about 14 or 15 minutes. I'm leaving the 6 minute miles to Alex...I'm about 15 years too old for the puking that follows!
Something I figured out quick about using the virtual bike at the Y versus riding a real bike: on the virtual bike you pedal the whole time, no coasting. As far as jogging, I think the mile took me about 14 or 15 minutes. I'm leaving the 6 minute miles to Alex...I'm about 15 years too old for the puking that follows!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Multiple Memoir Day
Jak ate uncooked microwave popcorn today.
While I was in the shower this morning Jak helped himself to a bag of microwave popcorn that was still in the wrapper. There were only a few kernels and part of the bag left by the time I discovered it. Hopefully there won't be any ill effects from it.
Good hair day; must be raining.
I really wanted to get my hair cut this week, but Beckie, who cuts my hair, is on vacation so I'm having to suck it up until next week. What this means is that pretty much every day this week I have not liked the way my hair looked, except for this morning. This could mean only one of two things, it was raining or we were having gale force winds. Today it's the rain and actually it's pouring. So much for my good hair day.
Mechanic says, "think about new car."
My car went for an oil change yesterday and that was the report when I went to pick it up. Bringing my car to a mechanic that doesn't double as my father is a new experience for me. Yesterday was actually the first time in my driving career that someone other than my dad even changed my oil. Dad has gotten to a point where there aren't enough hours in the day to do the things he needs to do so working on my car is way down the priority list. So the mechanic I'm going to now is a friend and is very honest. His suggestion of a new car was out of concern that my car will fast become a money pit. I appreciate his candor and will give the situation some thought. In the meantime, I've asked him to fix the things that need fixing to buy me some time until I can figure out what I want to do long term.
Just started carrying insulated lunch bag.
Another sign that I must be growing up, or growing old, not sure which?! In my teen years I carried a paper lunch bag to school. In my 20's, if I bothered to bring lunch, I just threw whatever it was in the tote bag I carried to work and often ended up with a slightly mangled lunch. Now that I'm in my 30's, I have done the sensible thing and started using an insulated lunch bag. I even put a cold pack in the bottom to keep my yogurt chilled. The next thing you know I'm going to be starting sentences with phrases like, "Kids today don't know how good they've got it..."
While I was in the shower this morning Jak helped himself to a bag of microwave popcorn that was still in the wrapper. There were only a few kernels and part of the bag left by the time I discovered it. Hopefully there won't be any ill effects from it.
Good hair day; must be raining.
I really wanted to get my hair cut this week, but Beckie, who cuts my hair, is on vacation so I'm having to suck it up until next week. What this means is that pretty much every day this week I have not liked the way my hair looked, except for this morning. This could mean only one of two things, it was raining or we were having gale force winds. Today it's the rain and actually it's pouring. So much for my good hair day.
Mechanic says, "think about new car."
My car went for an oil change yesterday and that was the report when I went to pick it up. Bringing my car to a mechanic that doesn't double as my father is a new experience for me. Yesterday was actually the first time in my driving career that someone other than my dad even changed my oil. Dad has gotten to a point where there aren't enough hours in the day to do the things he needs to do so working on my car is way down the priority list. So the mechanic I'm going to now is a friend and is very honest. His suggestion of a new car was out of concern that my car will fast become a money pit. I appreciate his candor and will give the situation some thought. In the meantime, I've asked him to fix the things that need fixing to buy me some time until I can figure out what I want to do long term.
Just started carrying insulated lunch bag.
Another sign that I must be growing up, or growing old, not sure which?! In my teen years I carried a paper lunch bag to school. In my 20's, if I bothered to bring lunch, I just threw whatever it was in the tote bag I carried to work and often ended up with a slightly mangled lunch. Now that I'm in my 30's, I have done the sensible thing and started using an insulated lunch bag. I even put a cold pack in the bottom to keep my yogurt chilled. The next thing you know I'm going to be starting sentences with phrases like, "Kids today don't know how good they've got it..."
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dog sitting requires getting up early.
I'm taking care of my friends' yellow Lab, Cassi, while they are away for a few days. They only live a few miles from my house so I'm left with the choice of staying at their house and most likely not sleeping well or staying at home to get a good night's sleep and getting up early to take care of Cass before work. I usually opt for the latter of the two because although getting up early is a sacrifice, when it comes down to it I'm all about a good night's sleep. I do feel a bit guilty leaving her there alone, but I try to remind myself that I'm actually not the one who has left her. And besides, I have my own to feel guilty about leaving!
Cassi on the left, Jak on the right
I'm taking care of my friends' yellow Lab, Cassi, while they are away for a few days. They only live a few miles from my house so I'm left with the choice of staying at their house and most likely not sleeping well or staying at home to get a good night's sleep and getting up early to take care of Cass before work. I usually opt for the latter of the two because although getting up early is a sacrifice, when it comes down to it I'm all about a good night's sleep. I do feel a bit guilty leaving her there alone, but I try to remind myself that I'm actually not the one who has left her. And besides, I have my own to feel guilty about leaving!
Cassi on the left, Jak on the right

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Eating blueberry pie; life is good.
The Life is Good company should come out with a t-shirt for it. Their character dude could have a purple ring around his mouth and an empty pie plate.
(I admit - because Grammie is probably watching - it was a store bought crust. I do make my own crust sometimes, but it has to be on day when my patience are really, really good. Definitely not the case yesterday.)
(I admit - because Grammie is probably watching - it was a store bought crust. I do make my own crust sometimes, but it has to be on day when my patience are really, really good. Definitely not the case yesterday.)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Just Another July Day...
Hot and humid; brain not working.
I don't have any fun or fabulous six-word memoir today because the weather is effecting my ability to think. We haven't even had a shower or thunderstorm in a few days to break this weather for a little while. When I whined to my dad about the weather he said, "When it's 20 degrees out this winter, you'll wish it was hot and humid." And of course, he's probably right.
I don't have any fun or fabulous six-word memoir today because the weather is effecting my ability to think. We haven't even had a shower or thunderstorm in a few days to break this weather for a little while. When I whined to my dad about the weather he said, "When it's 20 degrees out this winter, you'll wish it was hot and humid." And of course, he's probably right.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Finished the Book
Should stop reading such emotional books.
I finished "Dear John" today. Cried my way through the last third of it, as I just did with "A Map of the World." In both books part of the plot hit a little too close to situations in my life which would probably account for all the tears.
Next book is "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks again. I got it out of the library today; hoping for a happy ending!
I finished "Dear John" today. Cried my way through the last third of it, as I just did with "A Map of the World." In both books part of the plot hit a little too close to situations in my life which would probably account for all the tears.
Next book is "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks again. I got it out of the library today; hoping for a happy ending!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Revvies beat Pachuca in Superliga match.
Pat Phelan, only a concussion, thankfully.
Parky named to Olympic soccer team!!
*Ralston added to MLS All-Star Roster!
The Revvies played against the reigning #1 Mexican team last night, Pachuca, and won! Pat Phelan, midfielder for the Revs was involved in a midair collision late in the game and was knocked unconscious, thankfully he is only expected to be out for a week with the concussion. Michael Parkhurst, Parky as his teammates call him, was named to the Olympic soccer team today. He is a very calm and smart defensive player who reads the game better than most. Congrats to him!
Just in case anyone was wondering, I don't really need Nick & Alina's approval to root for a team, nor do they think I need to get it. They are as much, if not more, into English football as I am into major league soccer. It was a tongue in cheek question because I know they are devout Chelsea fans. Go Chel!!! Go Revvies!!!
*Update - Steve Ra-Ra Ralston will be playing in the MLS all-star match against West Ham United on July 24th. Because Parky was called up to the US Olympic team it made space for Ra-Ra on the all-star team. He will join two other Revvies teammates already named to the all-star team, Matt Reis and Shalrie Joseph.
Pat Phelan, only a concussion, thankfully.
Parky named to Olympic soccer team!!
*Ralston added to MLS All-Star Roster!
Just in case anyone was wondering, I don't really need Nick & Alina's approval to root for a team, nor do they think I need to get it. They are as much, if not more, into English football as I am into major league soccer. It was a tongue in cheek question because I know they are devout Chelsea fans. Go Chel!!! Go Revvies!!!
*Update - Steve Ra-Ra Ralston will be playing in the MLS all-star match against West Ham United on July 24th. Because Parky was called up to the US Olympic team it made space for Ra-Ra on the all-star team. He will join two other Revvies teammates already named to the all-star team, Matt Reis and Shalrie Joseph.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Rather be home reading a book.
I seriously considered taking today off from work; maybe tomorrow.
What I'm reading: "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks
What I've read recently: "Fearless Fourteen" by Janet Evanovich and "A Map of the World" by Jane Hamilton
Suggestions for good reads always accepted!
I seriously considered taking today off from work; maybe tomorrow.
What I'm reading: "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks
What I've read recently: "Fearless Fourteen" by Janet Evanovich and "A Map of the World" by Jane Hamilton
Suggestions for good reads always accepted!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Question for Nick & Alina
Can I root for Aston Villa?
My second favorite MLS goal keeper, Brad Guzan, is being traded to Aston Villa so I just need to know if I can cheer for them or if they are forbidden like, say, Man U?? I would of course still continue to support Chelsea, that would not change. But Chelsea matches aren't always on TV so I sometimes need another team to follow. Please advise...

Brad Guzan
For some reason, I base my like/dislike of a soccer (football) team on how I feel about their goal keeper. Matt Reis, goal keeper for the Revolution, is my favorite in MLS and hence the Revvies are my team. Oh, and since they're also from New England it means I get to see most of their games on TV...WooHoo!!!

Matt Reis
My second favorite MLS goal keeper, Brad Guzan, is being traded to Aston Villa so I just need to know if I can cheer for them or if they are forbidden like, say, Man U?? I would of course still continue to support Chelsea, that would not change. But Chelsea matches aren't always on TV so I sometimes need another team to follow. Please advise...

Brad Guzan
For some reason, I base my like/dislike of a soccer (football) team on how I feel about their goal keeper. Matt Reis, goal keeper for the Revolution, is my favorite in MLS and hence the Revvies are my team. Oh, and since they're also from New England it means I get to see most of their games on TV...WooHoo!!!

Matt Reis
Monday, July 14, 2008
Just tri it; swim, bike, run.
Swam ten laps without pushing off.
For those who haven't heard, I've started training with the intention of participating in a triathlon at Disney World on Mother's Day next year. (Swim 400 yards, bike 9 miles and run 2 miles - slightly shorter than a sprint triathlon.) May is a long time away and anything can happen between now and then so nothing is definite but my intentions are good. I joined the YMCA at the end of May and found a training plan on the internet. It's supposed to be from couch to sprint triathlon in 22 weeks but since I have more time than that I've been doing each week's plan for two weeks.
In deciding to do this, I was initially the most apprehensive about the swimming. I'm an okay swimmer but it's just not my thing. After my first few swims, I went out and purchased this
nose clip. I have inherited sinus problems from both sides of my family and getting water up my nose was not doing my sinuses any favor. I know I probably look a bit silly as I haven't seen anyone else wearing one, but it serves a purpose and that's all that matters.
I was given the advice early on not to get used to pushing off at the ends of the pool because there is nothing to push off of during the tri since the swim is in a lake. Today my training schedule for swimming called for 250 yards -10 laps- and I did them all without touching! So while I'm proud of myself for how far I've come with my swimming, there is still room for improvement. Dara Torres need not worry, her records are safe. I plan to use my time to get stronger and perhaps even a little quicker.
For those who haven't heard, I've started training with the intention of participating in a triathlon at Disney World on Mother's Day next year. (Swim 400 yards, bike 9 miles and run 2 miles - slightly shorter than a sprint triathlon.) May is a long time away and anything can happen between now and then so nothing is definite but my intentions are good. I joined the YMCA at the end of May and found a training plan on the internet. It's supposed to be from couch to sprint triathlon in 22 weeks but since I have more time than that I've been doing each week's plan for two weeks.
In deciding to do this, I was initially the most apprehensive about the swimming. I'm an okay swimmer but it's just not my thing. After my first few swims, I went out and purchased this

I was given the advice early on not to get used to pushing off at the ends of the pool because there is nothing to push off of during the tri since the swim is in a lake. Today my training schedule for swimming called for 250 yards -10 laps- and I did them all without touching! So while I'm proud of myself for how far I've come with my swimming, there is still room for improvement. Dara Torres need not worry, her records are safe. I plan to use my time to get stronger and perhaps even a little quicker.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Domestic Goddess
Dishes, laundry, baking, vacuuming before 10AM.
Okay, so I'm not June Cleaver wearing a dress and heels with perfectly coiffed hair. I'm still in my jammies and my hair is standing on end, but for a Sunday morning I'd still say I'm doing pretty well.
Okay, so I'm not June Cleaver wearing a dress and heels with perfectly coiffed hair. I'm still in my jammies and my hair is standing on end, but for a Sunday morning I'd still say I'm doing pretty well.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Six-words for the day are still to come...
In the meantime, I just wanted to address some questions about leaving comments. To add a comment, click on 'comment' at the end of an entry. Write your submission in the box provided under the title 'leave your comment'. Next enter the 'word verification'. Then under 'choose an identity', if you have a google account fill in the info next to google/blogger, if you do not have a google account click in the circle next to 'name/URL' and boxes asking for your name and URL will appear underneath. The URL is optional and does not need to be filled to comment.
I hope this answers your questions. Please let me know if there are still any problems. Thanks!
In the meantime, I just wanted to address some questions about leaving comments. To add a comment, click on 'comment' at the end of an entry. Write your submission in the box provided under the title 'leave your comment'. Next enter the 'word verification'. Then under 'choose an identity', if you have a google account fill in the info next to google/blogger, if you do not have a google account click in the circle next to 'name/URL' and boxes asking for your name and URL will appear underneath. The URL is optional and does not need to be filled to comment.
I hope this answers your questions. Please let me know if there are still any problems. Thanks!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
First blog; will anyone read it?
A few months ago I read "Not Quite What I Was Planning", a book of six-word memoirs. It is a quick and entertaining read if you have the chance. Since then my brain has started working in six-word phrases (well, not all the time) and I began writing a six-word memoir of the day on the white erase board in my office. I thought it would be fun to put the memoir of the day on a blog for those who don't happen in my office during the course of the day.
So the blog entries will be six-words and sometimes more if an explanation seems necessary or I just feel the need to write.
Please feel free to comment...in six-words or more if you wish!
So the blog entries will be six-words and sometimes more if an explanation seems necessary or I just feel the need to write.
Please feel free to comment...in six-words or more if you wish!
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