Thursday, May 27, 2010

Living Fully

42 ways to nourish your soul.

As the ups and downs of daily life seem to be on a bit of down swing for me this week, I came across an article I'd copied years ago about nourishing your soul. Since a lack of time and perhaps inspiration have kept me from blogging lately, I've decided that I will use the 42 ways to nourish your soul as subjects for my blog. This will be the first entry. Please feel free to add your own nourishing ways in the comments section of any entry.

1. Swing

What could be better than a ride on a swing. Flying through the air. Pumping your legs to go higher and higher. Oh, to be a kid again! And although I can't remember the last time I had a swing ride like that, I can remember gently rocking to and fro on the porch swing at Dan's parents' cottage in Canada last summer. The morning sun, the afternoon air and the evening bugs all taken in from my seat on the porch swing. Relaxing and calming the gentle sway which admittedly lulled me to close my eyes for a mid afternoon nap more than once.

Porch swings: for the grown up kid in all of us and definitely nourishing for the soul!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Something To Talk About

Conversations stem from something in common.

We live in a time when it's the norm to see people with cell phones to their ear, a bluetooth in their ear or their fingers fluttering sending someone a text message. But how often do we see people, strangers, just striking up a conversation? Yesterday at the gas station the guy at the pump next to us was filling up his boat. Another guy at the gas station started to pull away and then stopped to ask the guy with the boat if he was going up to a local reservoir. He was and a conversation ensued. Two strangers found a common ground for an impromptu exchange.

I have come to notice that if we make the effort to start a conversation, people are more than willing to talk to you, even laugh or joke around. All it takes is one small, simple thing in common to get the ball rolling and all of the sudden the world doesn't seem so big.