Thursday, April 16, 2009

Worth a Look

Sorry about YouTube overload, but watch...


Sometimes, I think this really happens...

As a follow up to my previous blog, the incumbent won by a 2 to 1 margin, and no that doesn't mean there's only 3 people in town that vote. I mistakenly went to vote a half hour before the polls closed and ended up being asked to help count ballots. It wasn't in my plans for the evening; Dancing with the Stars and supper were but it didn't kill me to stay and help.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Small Town Politics

Voting day in a small town.

To vote, or not to vote; that is the question. The only contested office on the ballot today is for one of the three seats on the board of selectmen. The incumbent has held the office for longer than I have lived in town and I believe his father held it before him. Is he serving our town well? Probably not. Does he use his political pull for himself and his family? Probably. But he's a born and raised townie and I believe that does help keep a small town grounded.

The candidate running against him well, I'm not sure where to start. I'm pretty sure he's got his own political agenda, should he be elected. His mild southern drawl is proof one that he is not a life long resident of town. His motivation for being elected I think is probably about the same as the last time he ran (and lost) a few years. A personal vendetta against some town official. You see, this guy has a son, and the son is well known to police - local and state. The thing is even though the son has been in juvenile lock-up and a stolen safe was found on their property, the father believes that his son is innocent and everyone else is out to get him. If it was one incident, maybe, but we're talking incidentS here. My guess is the father's agenda is to find a way to get rid of the police chief.

So here lies my quandary. For the most part I believe that unless you can specifically reference something good your politicians have done for you, vote them out. In this case my concern is the alternative may not be better. Getting rid of the police chief would not be the worse thing in the world, but his reasons for doing so are not all that pure. The current three selectmen have been holding their offices for a while now so I think shaking up the mix could be good. However, I'm just not sure the current candidate is the best guy for the whole town's interests to do it.

I guess what I really have to decide is if I want to be responsible for putting either one of them in office, and therefore should I even vote at all???

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Beauty Parlor

"A cancellation tomorrow? See you then!"

That was pretty much my conversation when I called the dog groomer yesterday. Jak is due, maybe even overdue, for a trip to the doggie beauty parlor. At this time of year I expected I may have to wait anywhere from 1-3 weeks to get an appointment so when she said there was a cancellation at 4:45 on Thursday, I gratefully said I'd be there.

Some people shave their Golden Retrievers but the summer heat doesn't seem to bother him so I won't go that far. The groomer will do what they call "body shaping" which is trimming his long belly hair with scissors. Jak is pretty good about being groomed but there are a few notes in his file, like the fact that he's a dancer. When they try to clip his nails and trim the hair on his feet he dances around. But he's such a lovable dog they like him anyway, dancing and all!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ralston Returns!

A cold night, but Revvies WON!!!

Saturday was a cold night at Gillette Stadium. If I'd been thinking, I would have sent Mom and Dan off to the game together and I could have stayed home and watched in warmth. But, I love my Revvies so it was worth braving the cold. Dan said Mom knew how cold it would be so only feigned an interest in going to the game so she could bow out gracefully. That's between the two of them.

First half of the game was okay. The second half was much better. I had been telling Dan that I hoped they put team captain Steve Ralston in for the second half as he's been out with injury since late last season. Ralston, Ra-Ra as I like to call him, is a very smart player and can change the whole feel of the team by just being on the field. My hope was fulfilled and Ra-Ra played the 2nd half and it was like watching a totally different team. At half time they were down 0-1 and ended up winning 2-1.

Cap, I'm not sure I'd be too proud rooting for FC Dallas. They were kind of nasty team and as for their goalie I have only one word to describe him, FAKER!!!

Here are a few pics from the game. Anyone that accompanies me to a Revvies match must pose for the obligatory self portrait with me. Even though Dan isn't looking at the camera in 2nd picture, it's definitely my favorite of the two. Just my opinion.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Revvies' first home game; going alone?

Saturday is the New England Revolution's first home game of the season which means it's my first game as a season ticket holder. Exciting? Heck yeah! The only problem lies in the weather forecast - drizzle on and off throughout the day with a high of maybe 50 degrees with steady 15-20 mph winds. This is not devastating to a soccer fan such as myself, but it could impact getting someone to go to the game with me.

It's okay Mom and Dan, I'm tough, I can brave it by myself. You guys can stay home and watch on your televisions from the warmth of your houses. Or maybe you could have a game of rock, scissors, paper to decide who has to go with me, or draw straws, maybe even just flip a coin...
(All said tongue in cheek, of course!) ;-)

I may be needing one of these for the game tomorrow night.

An April Fool's joke from the Revvies' blog. Snuggies just seem so ridiculous to me but maybe I'll feel different after tomorrow.