Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Gave blood today for first time.

I made what was supposed to be a quick trip to the post office on my lunch break and ended up hopping aboard the blood mobile that was in the parking lot. It was an okay experience. I don't usually have a problem with needles and seeing my own blood but I do have to say that was a pretty big needle they used. I'm back at work now sporting my purple bandage to match my purple shirt. It was only a small amount of time out of my day to help out a fellow human being. I'd say it was well worth it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Picking raspberries while Dad's gone racing.

Well actually Dad's just watching the races and not actually racing but it sounded catchier to say it that way. The following are some pictures taken with our new camera. The weather has been beautiful this weekend in New England. I should get out today and take some more pictures!

Dan's harvest...

Hope's harvest...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Clown Shoes

A picture of my Shape-Ups...

They're very comfy and cushy. I had a pair made by another brand (read less expensive) first which I liked but these are definitely a better quality. I opted for ones that didn't look so much like sneakers so that I could get away with wearing them to work from time to time. They're still an investment at $100 per pair but that's less than the original MBT brand ones that go for $250. I really do like them but am willing to admit they are a bit funny looking; hence the term clown shoes.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


"Bring me lobster," the lady said.

I called my mom after we crossed over the border into Canada last Wednesday and just before we hung up she said "BML." I didn't get it, she had to tell me what it meant but when I repeated it to Dan and later on to his dad, they figured out right away what the initials meant. As you can tell from the following pictures, BML we did...

We also found out the hard way on our trip that no matter how cute Jak is...

Do not share your friend seafood with him, even if it is the best in North America.

Since Ossie's really is the best seafood around (not sure about best in N. America) we stopped to have lunch on our way to Dan's parents' cottage. Jak loves food - any kind - and it takes a very strong will not to succumb to sharing with him. It was only after an unpleasant aroma was later on periodically released from his hind quadrant, did we discover how much of a bad idea it was sharing with him. Sorry Jak; no more seafood for you buddy.

Meet the Revs

Season ticket holders met the Revvies.

On August 30th, New England Revolution season ticket holders got to go to a special event and meet the players from the team. We were able to get memorabilia autographed and tour their locker room. The event took place right on the field so we got to walk on the same AstroTurf that the Revvies and the Patriots play on. It was a pretty cool day.

Revolution insignia outside the stadium

Defender Chris Albright - probably the most social of all the players we met.

Team Captain and one of my favorite Revvies players, Steve Ralston

Hope and Dan standing in front of one of the Revs' goals.