Friday, December 12, 2008

Long Night

Crack, smash, thud; another broken tree.

It was a long, icy night in our town last night. On any given night I put my fan on when I go to bed, blowing away from me because I just need the white noise. The electricity went out at about 9PM last night and was not back on as of 9AM this morning when I left the house. I had a hard time falling asleep without my background noise which was only made worse by the fact that what I could hear was the trees breaking outside my window. I know it was even worse in the western part of town because in my sleepless state I was listening to the activities of the fire and police departments on the scanner and it sounded pretty bad. At daybreak this morning I heard one of the firemen say it looked like the trees had exploded on his street.

I'm holding out hope that the power will be back on sometime today but no guarantees since when I called the power company for an estimation, they wouldn't even give one. I spoke to my brother in New Hampshire this morning and he said he thought pretty much that whole state is without power. I'm not a huge fan of snow, but let me tell you, I'll take snow over ice any day.


Oma/Marion said...

Wow. I knew you were supposed to get some "weather" but hadn't realized it would be so sever. Maybe this would be a good day to work late. Ooops, forgot poor Jak is home alone wondering why it is so cold.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Ed will have plenty of fuel for his furnace. Would like to see some pictures.

Anonymous said...

Yes please, pictures!