Sunday, July 19, 2009


That's a bad day at work!

Wienermobile crashes into home in Wisconsin

It was a simple error, hitting the gas instead of the brakes that led to the above pictured incident. I envision the homeowner enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon when she/he heard a crash. And what to their wondering eyes had appeared? A weinermobile in the garage. Not so good.


Alina said...

Why is this so funny? Is it cause it's a Wienermobile? I don't know... but it is bloody funny!

M-er said...

Not funny, scary! One day when I was pushing Luke Michael in the stroller I had just come out of the little post office and gotten about 20 feet away when I heard this huge crash. Some little old lady had hit the gas instead of the break and driven right into the big glass windows of the post office and the pool supply store.
What I couldn't figure out was why a little old lady was driving a van and not a Buick or a Caddy. At least it wasn't a Wienermobile. :>)

CAPII said...

Looks like an English "Banger" to me! She was probably hitting the sauce at the time. I heard she was in the unemployment line now.