Monday, August 18, 2008

Dove Promises Message

"You are allowed to do nothing."

Wish I'd unwrapped this Dove milk chocolate Promise yesterday. My lazy Sunday included: multiple loads of laundry, catching up on some work, an 8-10 mile bike ride with my cousin and walking Jak a mile and a half.

If you aren't familiar with Dove Promises, the inside of the foil wrapper has a message printed on it. It's sort of like a fortune cookie...but better since it's chocolate!


Tamara Overton said...

Thought I would share the last "fortune" message I received. It was "Society creates the crime; the criminal commits them." I thought it was a very strange "fortune"!!! Sounds like I need to switch to chocolate.

Anonymous said...

You need to switch to acorn butter. Acorn butter is right here, right now. Your fortune is what you got. And it appears that Henry got his. I think he was celebrating his victory in the 10 yard acorn push, and had a little of the beveage called "fermented acorn juice"... or "acorn jack" when he stumbled onto Death Highway (also known as South Lane).

There has been some talk that his untimely demise is a sorry attempt to cover up what has become of the Green Belt. I have heard that Vladimir has shown some interest in finding the Green Belt.

Dimitri has also gone missing. These are hard and dangerous times. If Vladi gets the Green Belt then we are in for seven years of hell. What was it that George Bushytail saw when he looked into Vladi's eyes and pronounced him to be a trustworthy man. I think George Bushytail must have been drinking acorn jack, or smoking acorn weed (more on that later.)

It is just a sad day for squirrels.

Anonymous said...

Once again we must emphasize that our presumptive nominee has never agreed with George Bushytail in his assessment of Vladimir. Senator McCain is quoted as saying, "Obviously these times call for an experienced leader, which clearly George Bushytail was not. It is time for the Russkis to get out of Georgia... and I mean they better not go anywhere near Atlanta. It was a major mistake of Bushytail to let the Russkis into the country in the first place!!!" He added, "Obama is clueless, how can you elect a leader who thinks Georgia is in the Balkans.. what are the Balkans anyways?"

Anonymous said...

Holy roasted acorns... Obama has stated that he will not rest until he has found the Green Belt. "This is not about the a minor diversionary land grab.. Think about it! While the Russians are hoping that we will be diverted by their bully like tactics we will miss their blatant grab for the Green Belt. If the Russians get the Green Belt it will not matter if we are Red or Blue...we will be Black and Blue"