Saturday, September 27, 2008


Searching for a direction in life.

As I mentioned in my blog about the movie "Good Will Hunting" I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. Several times in the past six months different people have commented that they thought I would be good at Reiki. I didn't know much about it, except that it deals with energy, so this week I decided I would see if the the spiritual center near where I work was offering any introductory classes in Reiki. There is a class but it's not until November, but, today they were offering a class in Therapeutic Touch. As it turns out Reiki and Therapeutic Touch are the same, but different. They both work with people's energies, the difference being in how. Reiki is done in a pattern method, where as Therapeutic Touch is done intuitively. I found the class interesting and I'd like to practice some what we learned today. There's a follow-up class at the end of October that I think I will attend. I'm not feeling any great calling so far, but I'm interested and that's a start, right?

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