Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snowy Day

Getting ready for another big dig.

It's been snowing since last evening and is only now trying to stop. Thankfully it wasn't heavy snow so maybe only 6 inches of the white stuff; I haven't been out yet to give an official estimate. The temperature is under 20 degrees which means it's fluffy snow, therefore easier on the back when shoveling.

Lucky for the school kids (and Cindy!) this storm has at least arrived on the weekend and won't require another day off from school. My estimation is the kids will be getting out for the summer sometime around the 4th of July after making up all the snow days or so it seems. One year here in town the school actually gave up their February vacation and had school so they didn't have to go so late making up snow days. Let's hope that doesn't happen this year!

1 comment:

Cindy Koch said...

The kids school district scheduled four snow days this year. If they go over it comes off spring break. February break is strongly protected because everyone really really wants to get out of town in February!