Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2. Remember Who You Are

Honoring who I am with words.

Getting back to my idea from a few weeks ago about 42 ways to nourish the soul, today I will tackle #2 on the list, reminding yourself of who you are.

As I sit here pondering this topic, it has occurred to me that writing plays a big part in how I remember who I am. It's writing my blog about events, experiences and interests in my life. It's writing of adventures with loved ones and friends. It's writing of dreams and wishes of things to do or have or be someday.

In writing, it is a chance to remember and retell of occurrences that have defined who I am. It is a chance to share humor, joy and perhaps even wisdom that has guided me down the path that I am on. It is also a chance to ponder what the future may bring. And in between the writing there are pictures to remind me who I am in snapshots of my life and of those I share my days with.

So how do you remember who you are? And more importantly when was the last time you took a few moments to? It's actually quite gratifying...give it try!

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